Group Coaching… At It’s Best!

“I’d like to share my experience in one of the groups that Janet Hall has formed. I  nd tremendous bene ts in being a part of this group! It’s amazing to me how much I’ve gained from the group and I very much look forward to watching how my life unfolds. I’ve always known the power in 2 or more people gathered together, and this is a prime example of the power in a group. Janet is extremely intuitive, so as she forms these groups,  it is with like-minded people and we all help one another in many ways! I am very grateful for the people in this group and how they have added value to what I aim to accomplish. I am extremely grateful to have such a leader – not only of knowledge in the field, but also with her level of intuitive guidance. It’s truly a gift to myself in being in this group! Blessings…”
~Darlene, ABQ

In my last article, I wrote about coaching and how you can have amazing results with guided interpersonal Kinesiology. Your higher self decides your every step; what is in your highest interests, and how to get you to a higher state of life. When you take all the guesswork out of it and you have a clear path to follow, designed by none other than your higher self… you get to live the life you were really meant to live!

Now we have another wonderful option for you to take advantage of…group coaching! For many, this is another great avenue to success that is more cost effective than individual sessions!

Join our “Positivity” Group (up to 15 people):

• This group runs on unconditional love, with acceptance of each other while encouraging growth. You will find yourself making quick changes in yourself and your life with ease!
• You will experience de-stressing, reprocessing techniques and integrations to gain a healthier, happier relationship with yourself and others.
• You will learn how to let go of limiting beliefs or thought patterns, increase your health and finances and much more!
• Discover who is draining to your life energy and who is supportive to your goals and values.
• You will receive a free bracelet with positive biofeedback frequencies to achieve a higher resonance that helps bring you fast results.

Or, try our more intimate Business/Personal Coaching Groups (up to 5 or 6 people):

In our smaller groups of 5 or 6, people meet at a coffee house or restaurant where it is a comfortable, convenient setting for sharing, while enjoying a cup of tea.
Business Coaching Groups provide the following:
• Ideas & information sharing – Others have done what you are setting out to accomplish and can be a valuable aid and resource to you for your projects!
• Help in outlining and breaking down the various steps to achieving your goals. If you are starting a new business, trying to expand or fi nd new avenues of income it can feel
overwhelming. It becomes simple and easy to manage when broken down in segments.
• Accountability – Having a group to report to as you complete your action steps is a great way to get things accomplished quickly. Your progress is acknowledged.
• Reward – We have found that most people do not acknowledge or reward themselves for the small steps they take; so many times they do not get to their larger tasks for that very
• Manifesting your goals – Intention is amazing! Now multiply that by five or six! Group resonance is a powerful thing. Ongoing support and intentions for yourself and others helps everyone achieve greater things.
Our Personal Improvement Groups help with:
• Personal issues where therapy may be too costly.
• Relationship and family problems.
• Self-worth and self-esteem, confidence issues & much more.  

Each interactive group session has its own theme and topics for discussion and sharing such as:
• Overcoming self sabotage
• Using gratitude and intention for achieving your goals and dreams
• Time management
• How to create more space in your life
• Upholding boundaries
• Handling addictions
• Self-empowerment…and many more topics Information, handouts and free items are a part of each group. You may choose to keep your sharing within your journal or share vocally within the group each session. You will receive support from your group for your challenges
and be able to encourage others!

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician and a Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Wellness center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment… helping people to “rise above” anything in their life! 505-294-WELL (9355).