Life/Body Sweep

This is the top technique of this century!

If you are wondering what the benefits of what a Life/Body Sweep entails, well we are excited to tell you that this is a technique that Janet has developed from her 30 years of attending emotional conferences and collecting emotional techniques. It is transforming lives and the way we approach our health programs! It is a vibrational, frequency energy work that helps clear mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual traumas and issues in multiple levels in the body that have accumulated from conception, through childhood and on, and that continue to affect every aspect of our being!

Once these issues are cleared it drastically changes what the body needs for optimal health. Supplementation requirements can lower dramatically! The Life/Body Sweep processes you fully into your future. Even up to a year later, people are remarking on the changes that have taken place from their Life/Body Sweep. We have seen it helping a wide variety of problems & dis-ease, from anxiety and sleep issues to blocks from achieving life-long goals; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues have been helped by this revolutionary new procedure and so much more!

Because this technique has helped so many with addiction, eating disorders & trauma; Janet has been asked to teach this technique not only to other Practitioners, but to counselors in rehab centers & sober living facilities.

Total Body/Life Sweep Therapy Testimonials:

“No more anxious, repetitive thoughts. I can see my future, instead of beings stuck in the past! I discovered that I go through my days without worrying and reverting back to my anxious thoughts in a compulsive way. I am just existing like normal for the first time!” M.L., Norfolk, NE

“My insomnia was lifelong…. I am sleeping so well, on a good schedule, falling asleep easily and staying asleep! I no longer nap during the day & feel all is okay in my world. The fear has cut down so much! I can finally relax.” M.K., Los Lunas, NM

“My digestion and bowels are healthier than they have been in a long time, even more than when I was on just a nutrition program and healthy diet alone. The emotional sweep has really affected my whole body! I feel my health recovering more everyday.” B.H., Lakewood, CO

“I am making amends with all I needed to. Everyone around me keeps remarking that my behavior is so much better! I don’t have what I call a black heart anymore! I’m not battling demons of the past anymore. My appearance has changed! I am growing hair and eyebrows again!” — E.F., ABQ, NM

“I am lighter, have more energy & positive thinking than ever before! What I wanted to change is now changing….I’m going forward with my life!”B.B., Ft. Worth TX

“I am in control of my reactions for once! I have lost 25 pounds! I am off my diabetes medications, my dizziness has stopped and I feel more balanced again.” — M.F., ABQ, NM

“Much better on anxiety & depression! My daughter has been able to get off 5 of 7 medications! That’s a miracle!” — D.V., Belen, NM

“I don’t take abuse anymore – I am able to set boundaries and stick up for myself. My relationship with my husband has changed a lot for the better!” M.A., ABQ, NM

My baby is no longer crying out at night and sleeping restlessly since the Life/Body Sweep. It has made a huge difference in her demeanor & happiness.” D.P., ABQ, NM

“We are in our 80’s & are feeling younger and better everyday. A lot of our joint & health issues are abating.”S.S., Houston, TX

“The Life/Body Sweep helped my shoulder I had suffered with for decades! I was on steroid shots for my shoulder for years. I no longer feel I am responsible for everything and I have actually stepped back from all he overwhelming problems of my family, letting them work out their issues for themselves. My acid reflux has stopped, and the bump in the back of my throat is now gone. I don’t overreact to people who remind me of my abusive, controlling dad – I have stopped attracting those type of people into my life! What a relief!”J.M, Colby, Kansas

“I have more optimism & hope now! Depression & Anxiety is way, way better. I recover better and quicker from exercise. I actually have energy and a routine – I’ve never been able to stick to one before and I’ve never had energy like I feel now! I feel more confident and independent – but I can ask for help without feeling guilty, which was really hard for me before.”M.M, CO

“I was feeling crushed and like I was failing a life. I wanted to give up! I had been a pretty happy person, but then became very depressed & hopeless after the breakup. It was like I lost my whole spark for life! A past relationship and several other experiences were so hurtful to me – I couldn’t get over it! After the Life/Body Sweep I felt like I’d been freed! It is a whole different feeling now – I am so, so much better! I don’t struggle day to day, hour to hour like I did. Life feels entirely different for me. I’ve let go of a lot of perfectionist tendencies and OCD issues. The PTSD has almost entirely cleared. I no longer dread seeing the people involved in the hurt I experienced. I am looking forward to my future, new relationships and I am very grateful!”D.M, CO

“The Life/body sweep changed everything for me! The scabies and the fear of it, the skin crawling and itching is ALL GONE! Thank God! I’ve been suffering almost a year and a half after conracting Scabies! My thoughts are changing… I am soooo happy aout all the changes I’m making now! Things feel so much easier to me. I’m positibe, I feel good and I am optimistic now. I am able to eat what I never could before! The fat disorder of my genetics is not an issues anymore!”K.M, Oakley, KS

” After the Life/Body Sweep I am happier, lighter, and I feel good! I have much less intense body symptoms now and I am getting much better, deeper sleep.”M.T, Rio Rancho, NM

“I have had all kinds of health problems, coupled with panic attacks. This had gone on for the last 22 years. Not anymore! I am astonished that this one-time therapy could have corrected so very much! I’ve gone to so many doctors, therapists, psychologist’s, psychiatrists, etc. I’ve tried lot’s of alternative techniques too. I felt I must be crazy! The long term issues I suffered have all gotten way better! Nothing worked like this did and I am still noticing changes everyday!”R.A, London, UK

Intention Alignments / Emotional Work / Life Coaching

Every physical dis-ease and illness begins with negative emotion.

These methods are designed for helping you to rise above whatever may be keeping you from optimal health and joyful, balanced life!

I believe wholeheartedly that the body will not fully heal unless it heals in conjunction with the mind, emotion & spirit.  In order to truly heal the body down to the core, the conscious and subconscious must not only be in alignment, but your feelings and attitudes must be in agreement as well.  In this way, the body is fully motivated to do its task of cleansing, renewal, growth, repair and full healing.

Besides that, our lives must be balanced.  If there are changes needing to be made, life coaching can be invaluable.  Becoming empowered and doing the emotional work necessary can make all the difference in your health!  We love educating our clients and have researched & developed our own therapy called:  Intention Alignments.

These are just a few of the benefits of our therapies:

  1. Exposes physical problems that were masked by thoughts & emotions.
  2. Unlocks the body’s emotional/physical ability to change- brings in new perception.
  3. Breaks down unhealthy coping mechanisms (many of which are hidden).
  4. Releases dissociative patterns, unblocking them, to promote positive motivation.

The inner changes of our work allow for being open to:

  1. Recognizing feelings instead of denying and avoiding.
  2. Recognizing and taking responsibility for what happens to you and your health.
  3. Making a connection between who you were made to be in your family of origin, who you are today and who you truly want to be and the life you wish to create.

You have to be happy to be truly healthy!
The results are incredible!

What people are saying about our Intention Alignments:

I’m so much happier now!….I have much more confidence & self- esteem….I finally feel whole & complete and I’m not afraid to be alone anymore….my fears & anger are no longer a problem…I thought I’d never get rid of my physical symptoms, and now I have!  I now understand & accept myself…I’m enjoying new emotional freedom!