Are You Dealing With Cancer? New Alternatives You Need To Know About!

Have you been informed about all types of treatment for cancer? Are you in the midst of having to make critical decisions for your health? It reminds me only too well of the decision I had to make many years ago for a serious case of breast cancer.

Some have undergone western medical treatments only to find cancer return. The symptoms were treated, but not the underlying cause. When I was faced with cancer, I chose the alternative route to healing. Here’s why:

Common western medical cancer treatments used in the United States:

Chemotherapy: A poisoning of the cancer cells with lethal synthetic drugs.
Problem: With this method your good, healthy cells, organs and tissues are poisoned too.

Radiation: A burning of the cancer cells with radiation that is harmful to the human body.
Problem:Your good, healthy cells as well as skin, organs and tissues are burned as well as dried out.

Surgery: Cut out the diseased or problem part.

Problem: You may not get it all; it may have spread to the lymph, blood or other organs. Even if it appears that the surgeon got it all, the body must go through the recovery process and the immune system is compromised by surgery.  Sometimes these may be necessary. However, cutting out the diseased part or radiating and killing off abnormal cells leaves the body in the same ill state that resulted in symptoms; sickness or disease – therefore, it can return.  The problem still needs correcting.

Alternative treatments include the following:

The number #1 goal is to eliminate the cause of the symptoms, illness or disease. There are four main things that cause cancer:
1. Heavy metals
2. Viruses
3. Fungus/Yeast
4. Invasive organisms such as Parasite or Bacteria, etc.
All of the above causes are also preceded by emotions and thought processes. Therefore, your emotions, body and your whole being must be taken into consideration! I have been cancer free for 15 years because I consider my body mind/emotions and spirit in my recovery process.

To truly treat the problem, you must rid the body of what is creating an environment that allows cancer. 
You must:

1. Detoxify and oxygenate the body
2. Strengthen the immune system & supplement deficiencies
3. Raise absorption factors and correct any imbalances
4. Improve diet and nutrition; reduce stress factors
5. Keep ph levels and hormones in balance
6. Eliminate congestion and/or inflammation
7. Keep emotions, mind and spirit positive 

New Alternatives now available:

1. IV treatments – without the IV! The macronutrient resonant frequencies of Hydrogen Peroxide, Vitamin C, EDTA and DMSO are now available orally!  While taken by mouth, they are utilized by the body even better than when taken intravenously!
2. TA-65 Longevity Supplement: The TA-65 Longevity Supplement causes your telomeres to replicate and your DNA to grow, thereby extending your life. Great for serious illness! Amazing for skin and anti-aging!
3. Ozone treatments used in Europe are available to eradicate cancer from the body. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-immersed environment and ozone is a superenergized, higher form of oxygen.
4. Sodium bicarbonate kills off yeast and fungus and alkalizes the body. Sodium bicarbonate is a method of cancer treatment used widely in Rome and many parts of Europe.
5. Nigerian herbal parasite formulas get to the root of the problem, killing off all parasites. There is a highly accurate test available to determine types and levels of parasites.

I am astounded to find that many clients with serious cases of cancer are still on hormones; sometimes prescribed by their doctors. Some hormones, whether synthetic, bio identical or supplemental, contribute to cancer! The body converts them into estrogen and estrogen drives cancer.

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Certified Medical Intuitive, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician, and Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Wellness Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment … helping
people to “rise above!”