Janet Hall, Naturopathy, CKP, CBT
Owner of Alternative Wellness Center
Janet Hall has spent most of her adult life in Natural Health and Naturopathic studies. She is a Certified Kinesiologist & Herbalist. She is also a Certified Biofeedback Specialist & Essential Oil Expert, Nutritional/Life Coach, and Emotional Facilitator. Janet is a highly advanced practitioner with special training in Genetics & Methylation Therapy.
She has been a Practitioner for over 30 years and loves her work. She feels there is no greater reward than seeing her clients regain health in all aspects!
“I love treating those who truly want excellent health, functional lifestyles, and helping them to reach their goals and dreams!” She educates people for optimal well-being and high quality of life.
Her center is dedicated to helping people “Rise Above!” anything in their lives. Janet has been a member of the Energy Kinesiologists of the U.S. and a member of the American Herbalist Guild. Janet has appeared on KNME TV and has been a guest speaker for KUNM radio.
Janet continues to seek out new therapies to enhance her practice of complete complementary care. Call today and schedule yours to get on the path to better health and wellness!

Alternative Wellness Center
At Alternative Wellness, we go straight to the cause of your symptoms using Kinesiology, the “Master Technique” and/or Biofeedback. We assess your body to determine what supplements could be most beneficial, the best modalities for you, how many you will need, as well as how often you might need them.
This takes all the guesswork out of it and you are educated on wellness and lifestyle choices. Simply treating symptoms is ignoring a much deeper problem. Most people reason that if the symptom goes away, then the problem is gone. Think again. Symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg, and they have roots that run deep within us with physical, mental, emotional, and social components. Our techniques work to help educate you on wellness choices. See our services page for a complete listing.
We love seeing our clients feel the shift in healing in many life areas and it is exciting for us to be a part of that healing process with you! We look forward to meeting you and we are here to support you in your wellness goals. Stop by today for your free 5-minute bio-scan, or come to try out a free session on our Far-infrared Biomat. It will leave you feeling refreshed, balanced and ready to “rise above” anything that may come your way today!

At-Home Wellness
Self-Maintenance Programs
Have a complete “wellness kit” for your home use, as well as chemical-free body/ skin/ hair and household products.
- Purchasing a home “wellness kit” entitles you to a FREE Wellness Consult once per month for 30 minutes with Janet and a free “Modern Essentials” book as a gift from us!
Call us today for more info: (505) 294-WELL (9355)