It’s A Brand New Year! Get A New Perspective On Your Health & Well- Being!

Have you heard yourself say any of the following statements? If so, it’s time for a new perspective!  “I feel achy a lot… but that’s old age for you!” “I am overweight… but my health is pretty good.” “I get a lot of headaches…but I’ve gotten used to it.” “Bad health is just something I’m going to have to live with I guess.

Don’t let perspectives like these fool you! Not only do these perspectives prevent you from taking action to regain your health, but they prevent you from enjoying life! Achiness is not just getting old! Being overweight is a toxic and unhealthy condition. Bad health is not something you have to live with! You do not have to just put up with symptoms like headaches. Make this your year of change! Remember: “If you don’t have your health—you don’t have anything!”

After nearly twenty years of working with people as a Naturopath and Kinesiologist, I often see that working with a person’s perspective on their health is the first thing that requires attention. If disease has set in—your mindset is in dire need of adjustment to allow healing.

I had a recent patient who was suffering from extreme anxiety and could not sleep. Her perspective was that of: “I only have 3 cups of coffee a day”. She had been on medications and a large array of supplements. After discussing that perspective and the fact that coffee is a stimulant, she agreed to stop the coffee and found that the anxiety was almost gone. It had been throwing of her blood sugar and creating a situation of acidity preventing sleep. One essential oil diffused at night finished of her treatment!

I love working with people to adjust their perspective with integrative therapies and seeing them regain full health. We have all natural therapies in-house to help you be at your very best! Learn what will benefit your body best by utilizing our test methods. It is of primary importance to take care of everything about you, including your lifestyle and perspectives! Visit our clinic on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month for our free informative evening classes.

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Specialist and Nutritional Counselor. Her center is dedicated to helping people “rise above!” anything in their lives. 505-294-9355