“My husband and I have used Alternative Wellness Center (AWC) for almost fifteen (15) years and have found Janet Hall, the owner, and the staff members to be knowledgeable, responsive, and caring. Unlike several of our mainstream doctors, the AWC programs are designed (i) for a particular person and (ii) to address that individual’s particular circumstances and needs at that particular time. AWC personnel ask each of us questions about how we feel and have felt since the last session, what concerns we have, if any, what is going well in our lives, etc. The questions are asked each time one of us has a session with them and are designed to help AWC personnel determine what is best for that person for the next program.
My husband and I arre in our eighties and are in better physical and mental health than a number of our friends, both our age and younger. We attribute our wellbeing to the program and supplements provided by AWC and Janet Hall in particular.”
~ S. Houston, TX

“I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1/2021 and went through chemo. The cancer came back 1/2024 and I knew I did not want to go through chemotherapy again. Some friends recommended an Alternative Specialist and this is where I met Janet. Best decision ever! Since I’ve been to see her I am feeling more energetic and all around better physically than I have in a very long time. I am definitely progressing each day and have a better outlook on life. Thanks Janet for your amazing work.”
~ M. Thompson

“Thank you, Janet, you have no idea how timely your assistance has been! Although I did a long walk that usually brings on a migraine. I was completely armed with the assistance of “Past Tense and Clary Calm” and did not get a migraine headache! Both have done wonders for me since I saw you! I even received a difficult phone call and I feel absolutely certain I’d have been a complete wreck if I hadn’t seen your last week. Thank You again. I know that the “Clary Calm” has prevented at least 2 migraines and lessened 2 others! I’m feeling so relieved!”
~ Best Regards, Anne of Albuquerque

“After the emotional work on the biofeedback machine, I woke up the next morning with a whole new perspective on my life. I feel lighter, a lot of emotional tension was released and I have more energy physically. I was surprised by how gentle the session was on my body, but how much I was able to release!”
~ S. Domiji, Albuquerque, NM

“In 1999 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, after submitting to mainstream medical procedures of lumpectomy and radiation treatments. I turned to Janet, who I had heard had prevented her own breast cancer from recurring with alternative treatments many years before. Right after radiation, we detoxified my body from all traces of radiation with various nutrients and homeopathic remedies. Within three months my body was clear of radiation completely. That was 13 years ago. I have seen Janet regularly since then and I remain cancer-free, healthy and totally committed to the kind of alternative therapies offered by her and other practitioners at her clinic.”
~ Carol Akright, Financial Educator, and Dream Coach

“My symptoms were: Red eyes, no appetite, constipation, digestive issues, liver problems, jaw pain, fatigue, chest tightness, brain fog, confusion, dizziness, and no motivation to do anything! I went from 125 pounds to 99 pounds and felt horrible. As soon as I started the Genetic Methylation Program I immediately began to have normal bowel movements and they have been consistent. I’ve finally started to feel like myself again! The dizziness is gone, along with brain fog, chest tightness, red eyes and no more bloating. You also recommended Chiropractic for me to complete my program and said that doing so would help with my digestion, jaw, teeth and liver issues. After seeing whom you recommended, I felt those items clear up! I could tell the improvement right away because there was no pain with biting down or chewing food and my digestive felt much better. My husband also just started your Genetic Methylation Program and his attitude is much better already! He is opening the curtains and letting light in – that always hurt his eyes before. He answers phone calls from friends now instead of letting them leave messages as it was difficult with his depression for him to answer before now. I see more improvement each day and in his future!”
~ L & M, Albuquerque

“Thank you for your time yesterday and checking every detail about what I was experiencing. I am finally rid of the stomach pain! What a relief! I was feeling that way for several weeks. I feel like I got rid of the virus and toxins. After the holidays I felt toxed out and ached all over with muscle, joint and stomach pain. (You recommended a Colonic before Aromatouch which helped get rid of toxins). Then, the Aromatouch, it was relaxing like a massage letting go of any stress. Right afterward I felt balanced from head to toe. As the hours followed, I noticed I kept feeling better until I realized I had not felt this good in years! I felt pain-free like when I was younger. Thank you, Janet, for all you offer and do to help people feel better! You are the best naturopathic I’ve ever met! God bless you for all you do!”
~ Cheryl B.

“I had a foot detox at your clinic and finally slept so good! I never knew acidity keeps you from sleeping. I read my biofeedback report and it is amazing that a machine could know all that about my health in minutes – it answered a lot of my questions. It is so interesting! I felt better from the treatment right away, the swelling went down and I am still taking the tincture it made for me.”
~ B. Hall, North Carolina

“I discovered that my child had been suffering from symptoms that were very similar to Paranoid Schizophrenia. This had been going on for approximately four years, and I had no clue they had been suffering so. I immediately researched medical treatments available for treating these symptoms and to my horror found out that the side effects of the medicines used are extreme and cause great physical suffering, while not always even relieving the mental suffering. Janet said she knew exactly how to treat it. In far less time than western medical treatment would have taken, we now know the combination of things that were behind it – heavy metals, toxic diet, poor sleep and exercise habits, low dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, and other vitamins and minerals lacking. Janet treated my child with such patience and kindness and love. She used all natural remedies and sessions of integrative emotional therapy. As we made the changes she recommended, we saw immediate results. Now my child knows what was behind her mental suffering and we both know what we can do to ward off relapses. Initially, I feared my child would never have relief from the mental sufferings and would continue on with it into adulthood. But thanks to Janet we now can fight it and actually come out ahead!”
~Eternally Grateful Mom, Albuquerque, NM

“The sores on my scalp and ears healed with the supplements and their suggestion of castor-oil. The pain in my body is unbelievably better! The ringing in my ears has all stopped. I am not as stiff and my hand is not numb anymore. The itching and burning are much, much better! I am going to sleep early which hasn’t happened in years! My headaches are gone and the pain between my shoulder blades is surprisingly better. Nothing had helped these symptoms in the past. I hope others will find this type of treatment who are suffering like I was. I feel I am at least 60-75% better already.”
~ E.Chavez, Belen, NM

“I am doing much better, yes, much better! I have a general feeling of well-being happening that my husband is happy about and so am I! The chest pain has diminished and the shortness of breath is resolved. My energy is much more up and I don’t feel like it’s a struggle to get up and do things. The supplements really helped and I was even able to reduce my medication. My sinuses were always inflamed with polyps, swelling, and blockage and I am breathing through my nose now! I’m off of the Flonase, I’m breathing so well- After one initial visit with Janet Hall.”
~ Shelly V.

“I had my first alignment with Janet Hall on October 7, 2011. While the alignment was happening, I could feel my energies becoming lighter and grounded more in the present moment. I was more empowered, peaceful and revitalized. Since the alignment, synchronicities and financial abundance have really increased, and miracles of all sorts are occurring on an everyday basis. I am so grateful, bless you, Janet.”
~ In joy and laughter, Sandra Wood

“I’ve been using doTERRA for a couple of months – but I love the oils already!”
~ Lacey Nagar, Career Coach

“Although I was hoping you’d say I only needed to start with a $35 foot detox. I am so glad I put my money toward the Laser treatment that you said I tested for – it has relieved at least 65% of my symptoms and I have only had one treatment! so even though it was more money, it was so worth it – I can’t believe my body told you that through muscle testing. Thank you!”
~ R. Lavato, Belen

“FYI – the oil that you gave me helped me tremendously to recover from severe acid reflux that I was suffering from during my travel.”
~ J. Subramaniam, Kentucky

“Hi Janet, I just wanted to say thank you so much for our breakthrough yesterday. It has been 16 years since I really felt joy and finally understanding the burden I have been carrying for such a long time has been enlightening. The idea of feeling hope and joy again is overwhelmingly amazing. I am so excited we have started this journey and can’t wait to see where it takes me in this new chapter of my life! Thank you for your healing, guidance, and help. Hey Janet, I just wanted to let you know that ever since the emotional realignment that we did on Monday it has been night and day. I have felt spectacular-no heartburn, no nausea just overall feeling great! I had another meeting with my company about the acquisition and what’s going to happen and I felt confident and strong and had total control over the situation. It was spectacular. The emotional realignment was just what I needed!”
~ Caroline, Albuquerque

“My name is Cheryl and in 2017 I watch my husband go through some major illnesses, putting him in the hospital a total of 8 times. His last three stays were due to bouts of sepsis, each bout worse that the time before. After getting out the of the hospital in late October 2017, after the latest bout of sepsis, we were recommended to Janet Hall by a cousin. By this time, my husband was looking grayish in color and he told me he thought he was on his deathbed. With nothing to lose, we took him to see Janet. His appointment took 3 1/2 hours. Janet’s kinesiology showed that Michael was indeed a very sick man. The testing revealed that Michael had a systemic infection through his whole body, his immune system was shutting down and his diabetes was out of control. She immediately educated us to begin a regimen of essential oils, natural supplements and some tinctures made especially for him by biofeedback. When we brought him to Alternative Wellness, he was literally showing signs of sepsis for the fourth time as he started this regimen. (Anyone who knows sepsis knows that it is extremely serious and can become increasingly more deadly with each reoccurrence). Literally, within one day of starting his supplements, Michael began to feel better. He was dedicated to his regimen and never missed one dose of anything he was taking. Every day, he got better and better. The septic symptoms began to subside and his natural color came back to his face. He has not been admitted to the hospital since his first appointment with Janet and that speaks volumes! She as worked with Michael on every aspect of his health, emotionally, physically and mentally. She has taught him how to take control of his own health and we know that she truly and genuinely cares for her patients or can promise you that this story would have had a very difficult ending.”
~ Cheryl