A Good Digestive System Is The Very Core Of Your Health & Immunity!

Important Points to Remember About Your Digestive System:

1. It has been estimated that 60-85% of your immune system is based on how well your digestive system is functioning.
2. The bulk of your neurotransmitters are in your digestive system, not your brain. Neurotransmitters are the means of communication between brain and body.
3. If you are not absorbing your food properly, or your hydrochloric acid is imbalanced, your immune system is compromised. Low nutritional absorption means your immune system does not have its arsenal ready for defense.  Low hydrochloric acid (HCL), or NO hydrochloric acid (from stress or medications that shut down your body’s ability to make it) means you have no digestive defense to kill off parasites if ingested.
4. Mood and brain function are compromised by lack of nutrient absorption. Let’s face it – poor food creates poor mood and foggy thinking.
5. Digestive allergies are a big deal! The minute your digestive system goes awry, your health begins to suffer. It begins the domino effect.

Steps to an optimal immune system:

1. Eat HEALTHY! Eat Protein, lots of alkalizing vegetables and fresh fruit daily.
2. Detox your body several times a year, for short periods to enhance your immune system. Every time you detox, your immune and endocrine systems are temporarily lowered.  Extended detoxing is not good for your body and creates fatigue.
3. Give your body natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.  The world we live in bombards us with chemicals and inflammatory agents daily.
4. Eat yogurt for balanced flora in your digestive tract.
5. Live your life with balance. Stress disturbs your digestion
and lowers your resistance to illness and disease.

Does your digestive and immune system need a tune-up?  Give us a call at 505-294-WELL (9355) today! Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive, Biofeedback Specialist and Nutritional Counselor.  Her Center is dedicated to helping people to “rise above!”   www.alternativewellnesscenter.org