ABC’S Of Choosing A Safe, Effective Essential Oil

Now that you know essential oils have scientific documented proof of their efficacy (see my article in the September/October 2018 issue), remember the ABC’S of selecting the brand of oil you trust for your body:

A stand’s for Adulteration: How will you know if it is an adulterated oil?
B is for baloney: False claims and misrepresentations are rampant.
C is for contamination: How will you know it is clean, pure and ingestible?
S is for Safety: Can I trust it?

The difficulty in finding trustworthy oil sourcing arises from clever marketing in the food/essential oil market that is “allowed” in our country.  

MANY brands of essential oils have misleading labels and false marketing claims. Here are a few allowed in stores, on-line and on product labels from once-reputable companies:

• “100% Pure.” What’s pure? The perfume, additives or excipients used?
• “Organic.” Just one ingredient organic, amidst those not, and the claim is useable.
• “All natural.” What makes it natural — handpicking? Or, from mother nature?
• “ISO or AFNOR Certified.” ISO and AFNOR are simply criteria companies for crayons, and ATM data.  They do not set standards for differentiating the quality of essential oils. They provide specifications as guidelines only.
• 100% Pure Essential Oil. Does the whole bottle contain essential oil? No. Not even close. Only 1-5 drops are included. The rest is coconut or other oil!
• “We own all our own essential oil farms.” How are those farms cared for?
• “We routinely use our third-party labs to supplement our internal testing.” “Our” being the operative word here. If they own them, it’s still internal. 

Being a kinesiologist, I am well aware that poor quality supplements, foods and oils DO NOT test well and often produce adverse reactions. You do get what you pay for! Online brands of supplements/oils are not trustworthy and are many times contaminated. Weak brands can take eight to ten times the recommended dosage to reach the potency on the label. I always tell my clients, “if you wouldn’t trust a neighborhood convenience store or pharmacy’s
supplements, why would you buy a cheap oil?” Some have reasoned that oils just don’t work for them simply because it was a cheap brand! Or a contaminated, perfumed brand gave them a headache.

Use ONLY THE BEST! Stop in today to pick up a FREE sample of a Certified Pure Therapeutic grade oil from the number one oil company in the world!

Janet L. Hall has a Masters’ degree in Holistic Health, practices Naturopathy and is a Certified Master Kinesiologist & Herbalist.  She is also a Certified Biofeedback & Essential Oil Specialist, Coach & Emotional Facilitator. Her Center is dedicated to helping people “rise above!” anything in their lives. 505-294-WELL (9355).