Adrenal Fatigue – Getting Your Body Back In Balance! Part 2

Home Test for Adrenal Fatigue

If your blood pressure drops when you stand up from a lying position, this almost always indicates low adrenals. This can be measured with a simple blood pressure gauge, which you can buy at a drug store (no stethoscope required). Make sure to do this test when you are well hydrated or it could give you a false positive. Lie down quietly for about 10 minutes, and then take your blood pressure (while still lying down). Stand up and measure your blood pressure immediately upon standing. Normally, blood pressure will raise 10-20mmHg by standing up. If your blood pressure drops, you likely have adrenal fatigue. The more severe the drop, the more severe the adrenal fatigue.

Emotional Issues of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue usually develops as a result of “emotional exhaustion” and “running on empty”, leaving you feeling “drained of life force”. It occurs from undergoing a great deal of stress and/or over-responsibility and no longer being able to “carry the load”.

Helpful Hints for Adrenal Fatigue

Sleep is mandatory! Between 10pm and 1am, your adrenals replenish and work their hardest to repair your body. Even if you wake during the night, try to go back to sleep and sleep until 9am if possible. Avoid TVs and computers as much as possible. Turn off the TV by 8pm to stop nervous system stimulation and be sure to turn off all technological devices in your bedroom.  Sleep in complete darkness; as your pituitary, which signals your adrenals, is affected by light. Avoid caffeine and sugar, foods high in carbohydrates, and expending too much energy.

Supplementation is necessary and muscle testing is crucial as everyone’s body is different. One person’s cure can be another’s downfall; one person’s remedy yet another’s toxin. Adrenal supplementation is generally required for recovery, but care must be taken to ascertain the correct adrenal supplement. With the wrong supplementation, adrenal fatigue can become worse. Certain types of Magnesium can be very helpful for adrenal fatigue to promote sleep along with Vitamin B, 5Htp, and Inositol.

If you have some of the symptoms discussed in this article, please call to arrange for a free phone consultation and get all your questions answered. Read the complete article, with additional Helpful Hints on the Truly Alive website:

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Intuitive, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist and Biofeedback Specialist. Her center is dedicated to healing and preventative health, life change and empowerment…helping people to “rise above!”,
(505) 294-WELL (9355).