An Alternative Approach To Parkinson’s Disease!

With no cure for Parkinson’s Disease, and medications that merely treat some of the symptoms, yet cause other symptoms…an alternative approach is needed, & there is much that can be done!

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive disorder aff ecting the brain, nervous and muscular systems. It is caused by a slow, gradual loss of certain cells in the brain.  These cells make a needed chemical called Dopamine. Since Dopamine is required for your muscles to work normally, a loss of this substance produces motor system disorders.

According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, Parkinson’s aff ects as many as 1 million Americans.    About 60,000 American men and women are diagnosed with the disease every year.  The average age of onset is sixty; however, it is now occurring in people at age 40 and even younger.  Most of us know of the effect it has had on boxing champion Muhammad Ali, and movie star Michael J. Fox. 

It is a disease that is distinguished by four major features:
• Tremor of a limb – affecting hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face
• Slowness of movement
• Rigidity/stiffness of the limbs or trunk
• Poor balance and coordination

Other symptoms include depression, anxiety; difficulty in swallowing, chewing, and speaking; stiff facial expression, muffled speech; urinary problems or constipation; skin problems; small cramped handwriting, shuffl ed walking and sleep disruptions.

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease?

Scientists do not know all the causes of PD; they believe that genetics may be a contributing factor, but they do know that environmental toxins play a large role. The vast majority of cases of PD are thought to be due to the potential interactions of genes and the environment, with toxins building up over time and eventually leading to disease in genetically predisposed individuals.

So, in treating Parkinson’s Disease, let’s look at a few key points:

1) The source causing the disease is thought to be environmental toxins – I have found this to be true and use a steady program of supplements for detoxing and building the body of Parkinson patients. This rids the body of these toxins. Infra-red sauna treatments (which produce ozone), have been found to be very helpful in detoxification/oxygenation of the body, in addition to direct ozone treatments and foot detox baths.

2) Symptoms are caused by a brain disorder characterized by a loss of cells that make dopamine. Using doctor formulated brain tissue has been found to help a great deal, as well as taking the homeopathic substance “Dopamine.” Direct biofeedback to the patient allows full scanning for all that is needed and a homeopathic remedy specifi cally for PD is created.

3) PD causes muscle movement and control problems (tremors, rigidity, and slow movement). Therefore it is necessary to steady the nervous system and regain muscle flexibility with natural supplements and massage.

4) They have a disease (there is dis-ease with something in their life). Emotional and mental well-being must be addressed through an Integrative Process to allow full healing and positive response to treatment. Genetics is also thought to be an issue in Parkinson’s, so Integrating allows for a change in the genetic fi eld that is informing the body to respond in disease.

This approach to treatment for Parkinson’s Disease is safe, effective and fast! If you are looking for this type of alternative treatment for Parkinson’s Disease or any other heath concerns, call Alternative Wellness Center at 505-294-WELL (9355) for a free consultation.

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician and Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment…helping people to “rise above!”