Asthma & Allergies, Lung Issues?… Treat Them The Easy Way!

It is so very sad to see children who are not able to run and play or be in sports due to asthma or allergies, and adults who hesitate to do the things they really want to do … when it is so easy to treat!

I have helped so many children and adults to quickly clear all aspects of asthma and allergies!

Two recent cases are examples of just how quickly you can clear these problems!  David, a 54 year old adult, had been on Advair medication and an inhaler for asthma for over 22 years. I did two laser treatments on his lungs and then tested his body using Kinesiology to see what was needed to correct the problem. He was put on a program of supplements for mold, fungus, yeast and parasites. After approximately 21 days on the program he was able
to throw his inhaler away and is no longer on medication!

People need to be aware that there are alternatives to western medicine that can be more effective without side-effects. I was amazed at how quickly I had results! – David W., Albuquerque, NM

Then we have the example of a 5 year old boy I treated who lives in Washington. He was not able to play soccer, which he loved, due to asthma attacks. He was on daily medications and inhalers. After using our biofeedback machine to determine that the problem stemmed from mold, we were able to clear up all of his breathing issues including the asthma attacks.  We did this by addressing his physical and emotional concerns through an integration process by phone that is extremely effective. He was shipped supplementation to take for mold and taken off food allergens that provoked or increased the severity of the attacks. The entire treatment period was 45 days. Now he is able to play soccer and is a very happy 5-year old!

I am very grateful that my son no longer has asthma attacks. It’s great to see him enjoying himself; running and playing soccer again like a normal kid! – N. Spencer, Washington

Lung treatment goes faster if laser treatments are used in conjunction with supplements. We can laser directly into the cells – homeopathies for bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, parasites and anything needed to heal or balance the lungs. Certain food restrictions are to relieve the body of allergens provoking asthma and to also reduce the amount of mucous produced. In this way, we are able to treat and correct the lung issues.

Generally speaking, asthma and allergies are caused by candida, fungus, parasites or mold. All of these conditions may be present in the more serious cases. However, just a profound case of mold alone can cause breathing problems and allergies. Sometimes those with heavier lung issues have additional concerns causing the lung problems.

I have treated many Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) cases with successful results, as the same core issues as asthma and allergies are generally the cause of COPD as well.  Added to that can be some chemical or heavy metal overload, or exposure to toxic gases, fumes or cigarette smoke that have been a part of creating COPD or lung cancer. In lung cancer and COPD however, the core issues have been a long standing problem that eventually created disease in the lungs. This is why it is important to get proper care quickly!

If you would like a full evaluation for asthma, allergies, COPD, or any lung conditions, as well as any other health concerns, call Alternative Wellness Center today! (505) 294-WELL (9355).

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician and Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Wellness Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment … helping people to “rise above!”