Confused About Diet And Weight Loss?

Wanting to slim down? We make it easy! Get personalized testing, a 21 day highly nutritious, do-it-yourself at home meal plan customized for your body, and a simple grocery list to go with it!

Between all the media messages, conflicting internet information and literature out there, you may find yourself confused about your diet—you are not alone! Sometimes what you read tells you to avoid carbohydrates. Other articles say you must have some carbohydrates to avoid depression and have energy. You may hear that you must have some of the good fats in order for your body to burn stored, unwanted fat and then read something that tells you to avoid fat altogether.

When you choose us for naturopathy and kinesiology, you have access to a great deal of information about your body and how it reacts. You will receive guidance about how to work with it. Our testing method shows just how many proteins, carbs, vegetable servings, fats and fruit your body needs daily; and what type! Each individual meal plan is completely customized and even timed for you, so that you will not unbalance your blood sugar by going too long in between meals without eating. We’ve had great results!

Some meal plans are based on the Eat for Your Blood Type diet book which can be helpful, yet if your blood type specifies that you can eat dairy and you have a yeast over growth, you will not do well on that plan. Other meal plans are based on questionnaires with hard to answer questions that could reduce its accuracy.

Instead, we test your body for the answers to create your customized food plan. What could be better than that?! We can test your body’s percentage of fat and metabolic rate to determine if you have a fast or slow metabolism and how many calories per day you need to lose weight. We test the allowable grams of fat that you may consume daily to reduce your fat storage and weight. You will receive a balanced plan for weight loss wherein you do not gain the weight back. The techniques of Integration and hypnotherapy may be added to ensure your complete success.

We test to see what type of exercise is of most benefit to you to increase health, be your ideal weight and have plenty of energy.  You will feel great, gain longevity and a higher level of health.

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic doctor, Medical Intuitive, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist and Biofeedback Specialist. Her center is dedicated to healing and preventative health, life change and empowerment…helping people to “Rise Above!”,
(505) 294-WELL 