Dementia Can Be Reversed!

An American develops Alzheimer’s every 68 seconds. 5.2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s in 2013 with 200,000 younger than 65, due to early onset. It is appalling to see the so called “care” of our elderly and those with dementia in this country!! The drugs that are used are of little to no help at all and come with a wide range of other negative effects. 

My parents no longer suffer from dementia!

Dementia is a devastating illness and destroys relationships and families! I am speaking from experience.  My parents, in a matter of less than two months both declined at the same time, ending up incapacitated, one at home with care workers and one in a nursing home.  I can’t tell you how difficult this situation was!  You ultimately lose your parents to a healthcare system that does not have to promise change in the condition, results of any kind, or anything other than to keep them “safe” in a facility — as long as you agree to medicate them. Now, just for a moment, imagine for yourself what they are feeling: the fear, confusion and shock of non-recognition of even family members. It is scary to think of at the very least! It is a complete atrocity that our precious loved ones are simply tucked away in dementia centers to continue in their memory loss — many overmedicated, when just a little knowledge could change the whole scenario. We see many people in our clinic who have dementia, gently aiding them to recovery.

Using Kinesiology, I changed the whole scenario and outcome for my parents! They are now back to full brain capacity. One is even driving again! They know who they are and who we (their children) are. They can dress themselves, remember to eat and take their supplements (neither one is on medications of any kind at ages 83 and 85!) and go about their lives. In addition to poor quality food (being consumed from a delivery service for the elderly), I found that they had a virus which had infected the brain itself — thus the reason for both of them experiencing their downfall at the same time. How many more are suffering from the same problem?  Kinesiology and Biofeedback are crucial to figuring out the cause of the dementia and in correcting this situation.  Years ago, doctors prescribed Hydergina (Ergoloid Mescalate) and it was amazing for dementia! It causes the dendroids of the brain to grow back and be healthy in a matter of days! It is still possible to get products and brain supplements like these that really work!  Using Kinesiology allows you to find the right supplement and correct dosage. If someone you know is suffering from dementia, give us a call for a FREE phone consultation.

*Please share this information with everyone you know so that more families may benefit.

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Intuitive, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist and Biofeedback Specialist. Her center is dedicated to healing and preventative health, life change and empowerment…helping people to “rise above!”
(505) 294-WELL (9355).