Get The Lead & Other Heavy Metals & Chemicals Out!

We are beginning to see the increase of heavy metals and chemical toxicity in people in staggering proportions. Where are these metals and chemicals coming from? There are many blatant and hidden sources in our environment. Heavy metals can be found in foods, water, pottery, cans, computers, cosmetics, hair dyes, hair products, lotions, pesticides, dental fillings, newsprint, paint, automobile goods, soil and so many other products.  Both prevention and action— if exposed are important! Be sure to get good guidance on this. A buildup in your system means the breakdown of vital body functions.

Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenicum and other metals and chemicals destroy or inactivate important proteins in the body, many of which are enzymes, hormones and cell receptors. Sensory nerves of the brain can even be stunted.  The result to the brain is suppression of neuron clusters which hinders the processing of information. It creates a foggy-headed feeling and memory issues. But that’s not all!  Many other body systems and functions are affected by these insidious compounds.

Those with a high calcium need such as children, pregnant or aging women are at risk because heavy metals and chemicals interfere with calcium absorption and actually displace calcium in the bones. Because of these metals and chemicals, a pro-oxidative effect also happens in the body leading to the inhibiting of antioxidant enzymes. This leads to cellular destruction. Intracellular glutathione (necessary for liver function) is depleted. Signs and symptoms include heart palpitations, restless leg syndrome, hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, ringing in the ears, digestive disturbances, Insomnia, agitation, fatigue, inflammation, reduced immune and kidney function, metallic taste in mouth, headaches, body aches and many more!

It is not enough to take supplements to help pull out these toxic metals and chemicals. You must also be sure that your liver methylation pathways are open and that you can process out these metals you are pulling! Not only that, but without proper hydration and detoxing your bowel more than normal, these toxins cannot exit. Colonics and foot detoxes are very helpful! 

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic doctor, Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive, Biofeedback Specialist and Nutritional Counselor. Her center is dedicated to helping people “Rise Above!” 505-294-9355,