HCG Alternative – The Weight Loss Miracle!

LOSE WEIGHT FAST-without hunger and with lots of energy! No shots and no actual HCG (Human ChorionicGonadotropin) – there are now alternative supplements that mimic HCG exactly! The HCG miracle weight loss program is sweeping the nation! Thousands have lost the weight they wanted to lose! Some have accomplished their goal in just 23 days, but more importantly they have kept it off!

People are always striving to lose weight and some do, but sadly, most of them gain the weight back within just a few months! It’s no wonder why so many are drawn to using the HCG shots, even though they have to inject themselves with it everyday. Not only is HCG weight loss phenomenally fast, but the weight stays off!  Well, now you can take advantage of all the benefits of HCG without taking injections by using our alternative supplement instead!

Another benefit to using the alternative supplement is that you can stay on the diet longer if you have a lot of weight to lose. HCG injection programs must be discontinued after a short time. I know of one client who used our alternative supplement and lost 72 pounds in 63 days. If she had used the actual hormone HCG, that would not have been possible. Also, those who have been on the injection program know about the restrictions on lotions, makeup, etc. It is important to note, however, that some products test well with HCG and that our water-based products can be used.

Did you make a new year’s resolution to lose those unwanted pounds? 

If so, we are ready to assist you! Toxicity is stored in the fat cells. When your body loses weight (and with our alternative supplement, you will be losing weight rapidly), it generally is not able to expel the toxins quickly enough on its own. I have seen clients who were not tested to see if they were in proper health before they began the diet, did not follow the protocol properly or were not being monitored at all. Some had kidney issues,
cancer cells collecting or were at risk of stroke. Colonics and/or foot detoxes help your body rid itself of the toxins and waste; as do colon cleansing supplements. We use Kinesiology and our Biofeedback machines to monitor the weight loss process.

I have used this diet program myself and it is amazing! 

There is no hunger! You eat only 500 calories a day which consists of a protein such as meat, fish, eggs, or cottage cheese, etc., and a vegetable of your choice, Melba toast and 2 servings of fruit. The incredible thing is that your body is burning 3,500-4,000 calories a day- it’s burning your fat stores for energy! There is no breakdown of muscle. In just 7 days, I have seen 12 pounds fall off my clients easily. Most lose 1.75-3 pounds per day for the
duration of the diet and do not gain it back!

Due to all of the fast foods, sugar, etc., our bodies’ hypothalamus glands and metabolism gets way off! This is why we gain weight in the first place, not to mention the fact that most Americans overeat. The HCG alternative restores the hypothalamus and metabolism back to their original balanced settings. So, the weight does not come back. 

We have everything available to help you in your weight loss and health goals.

Our clinic will be offering specials on infra-red saunas, colonies, foot detoxes, monitoring, etc. We also have phone consultations for your questions, so why wait?

Get started today!

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. She is a Certified Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician, and Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Wellness Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment … helping people to “riseabove!” www.alternativewellnesscenter.org.