Nature’s Little Miracles!

What if you could:
• Stop a child’s 104 degree fever in four minutes?
• Improve your breathing from lung cancer enough to go without oxygen supplementation?
• Recover from asthma and stop using inhalers/ medications?
• End a stomach ache in just 2-3 minutes?
• Stop a bad headache in 4-6 minutes?
• Stop having allergies to foods and pollens?
• Instantly end the pain of a burn and not scar?
• Be able to breathe with clear sinuses?

The list goes on and on! And I have done all of these!  And the nice part of it is… You can do it too…, just the same as I have.

I am always looking for ways that people, just like you, can be empowered to care for their own health and that of their family at home! It is a great feeling to help others. It is what drew me to becoming a Naturopath and Kinesiologist and close to 20 years later is what I still love!

Recently I found a way to help my clients get supplementation at wholesale (not retail) prices with products I am now calling “Natures little miracles!”

With a short, free, educational class, you too, can be empowered to use these products at home for preventative and/or critical care. There are only side “benefits” to using these products and no side “effects.” They are organic “healing agents” for our organic bodies. They are pure and of the highest therapeutic grade, gathered from nature, all over the world.

There is so much this beautiful earth has to other us in healing — holistic, natural, pure, organic substances for our well-being. So many are being aided physically, emotionally, mentally and even financially with these little jewels. They work for everyone including babies and the elderly.  So what are they…you may ask? Call us or stop by to sample them!

Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive, Biofeedback Specialist and Nutritional Counselor. Her Center is dedicated to helping people to “rise above!” 505-294-WELL (9355).