Preparing For A Healthy Baby

Ethan Hunter James Hall arrived December 17, 2009, all of 9 lbs. 2.2 oz. ‘s!! Congratulations Jason and Randi!!

This big guy just happened to be grandbaby #4 for me!  Assisting with pregnancy and the birthing process is something I absolutely love to do – and to have a new grandbaby out of the process, well, there’s nothing like it! I have assisted many women with this highly important, incredible process with wonderful results. It is amazing to have had the privilege of having helped all of my grandchildren:  Brianna, Brandon, Jewels and Ethan, and so many other babies come into the world!

It is so very, very important to care for your body to the best of your ability, before and during pregnancy to ensure a safe, wonderful delivery with ease and a healthy baby. These are some of the ways to do that:

Exercise:  Labor can be compared to running a marathon. Your body, especially your muscles, are working hard and having to adjust continually until the delivery, and after. If the mother has had adequate exercise and stretching of the muscles, the pelvic floor can do its job of stretching to accommodate the child through the birth canal in a short period of time. If not, the process of transition can be long and hard.

Supplementation:  Doctors typically prescribe synthetic vitamins.  Don’t be fooled. Synthetic vitamins are not absorbed by your body, or your baby’s body, so you will need a natural multi in a prenatal strength vitamin complex. It is vital that women have other supplementation as well to maintain their health and have a healthy baby. I have found that many women’s iron levels are not watched closely enough to ensure that hemorrhaging does not occur.

Labor Preparation: During the last six weeks of your pregnancy, preparation for a smooth labor is necessary. Many remedies of old are still incredible for childbirth. In the last few weeks, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh and Squaw Vine really help to initiate the process and speed things up to and allow for a safe, easy delivery. Spirulina, which is full of protein can be added the last few weeks as well, to help the mother dilate with ease. Dilation and contractions should go on for several days prior to active labor’s beginning; providing that a proper preparation schedule of supplements and teas has been followed.

Natural Pain Remedies for Labor: There are many natural pain remedies that can be used during labor. Randi did a remarkable job through her labor using Kava, meadowsweet tea, and homeopathies that go directly under the tongue to relieve pain. She set a strong intention and was integrated by our Center for a completely natural birth and she achieved her dream! I tested her body specifically for all remedies we used and, Kava, she says, was the very best! What also helped Randi was toning. She did a toning sound with each contraction that stimulates the root chakra to pull the baby down into the birth canal. It sounds beautiful, as though the mother is “singing her child out.” Her midwife (who was wonderful), was absolutely amazed at Randi’s strength and intention to do what was best for baby Ethan! Lovelace Women’s Hospital was also wonderful, and Jason remarked that their cafeteria food was great!

Your body has the innate wisdom to know what it needs. All of what is discussed in this article can be directly tested on your body (using kinesiology) to ensure that you and your baby get exactly what is needed. If you would like a full evaluation and analysis of your body, your pregnancy, fertility issues, and/or your newborn baby or your children, call Alternative Wellness Center today!

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health & a Doctorate in Naturopathy.  Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician & Nutritional Consultant & Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. The Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change & empowerment … helping people to”riseabove!”