The Many Benefits Of Vitamin D

In the past, few people used Vitamin D directly for fear of ingesting too much. However, things have sure changed in regard to this fat-soluble vitamin! With modern research, much information has now been released about Vitamin D and what physical symptoms it can aid. Now, medical doctors commonly prescribe it!

The alternative world has known about the benefits of Vitamin D in aiding health problems of all types throughout the ages, but now even more light has been shed as to just how many uses it has, with more being discovered daily. The following are just a few examples:

Pregnancy: Correct levels of Vitamin D can be critical in pregnancy for fetal brain development and also for the baby’s immune system. With the nutrients derived from the mother to form the baby, the mother needs the Vitamin D just as much for herself It is currently being researched to find out just how much low levels of Vitamin D may affect chronic disease susceptibility in the baby soon after birth and in the child’s future.

Depression/Mood: Vitamin D aids in depression, melancholy and mood swings. This may be because it aids in the stress responses of the hypothalamus, adrenal and pituitary. High doses of Vitamin D may even prevent depression and recurrences of it.

Immune Function: There are over 500 published studies on Vitamin D and its support of the immune system. It has been said to be one of the most important vitamins for immune health.  This is especially true in the winter when Vitamin D levels drop.  High Vitamin D dosages are used to improve the immune system and balance it. Levels of Vitamin Dare generally low in patients with auto immune problems such as Lupis, Fibromyalgia, etc. Sometimes this can be due to some medications given for these health issues. Prescriptions of Vitamin D are also used in Cancer patients as some studies are beginning to show influence on tumor antigens.

Osteoporosis/Osteopenia: Vitamin D is one of the common prescriptions given to patients with Osteoporosis, Osteopenia and bone disorders. It is critical for the body in bone growth, replacement and renewal. It must be at correct levels for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine and bones. Vitamin D also helps excrete calcium from the kidney and regulates the blood levels of this important mineral.

Neuropathy/Vascular: Some findings suggest that Vitamin D has a protective role in vascular concerns. Vitamin D has been found to induce nerve growth factors which aid peripheral neuropathy. It also has influence on insulin-like growth factors and blood vessel wall linings. It dramatically affects your cells’ ability to stay healthy.

Brain/Periodontal Disease: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMP) are increased with Vitamin D and that stimulates brain cell growth, resulting in additional brain cells. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with strokes, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia.  Other uses: Periodontal disease is improved by use of Vitamin D as are many dental and gum issues. Studies are also suggesting that Vitamin D has been helpful in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other female issues. There are many more uses being researched currently.

We find at our clinic that we use it frequently. So, how much Vitamin D is enough to aid you with your health concerns? Come in to Alternative Wellness Center, and let any one of our amazing Kinesiologists muscle test you for the exact amount your body requires. They can give you a full exam and help you with any health needs! Call 505-294 -WELL (9355) today to schedule your appointment.

Janet L. Hall has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Health and a Doctorate in Naturopathy. Janet is a Certified Kinesiologist, Herbalist, Biofeedback Technician and Nutritional Consultant, as well as Owner of Alternative Wellness Center. Janet’s Wellness Center is dedicated to healing, preventative health, life change and empowerment. .. helping people to “rise above!”